






On September 12, 2024, the Higold India Hardware Team visited the Star Headquarters, Hexagon Building and other intelligent manufacturing bases, checked in at the Home Hardware Museum, Black Light Factory and other extraordinary landmarks, experiencing the strong strength and grand vision of Higold.



The Higold India Hardware Team came to the Higold Star Headquarters building, deeply feeling the brand genes of “originality”, “landmark”, “technology” and “future”, and appreciated the first original building in China designed by the Italian Ferrari Pininfarina team. The visually striking inclined curtain wall and the extraordinary architectural form attracted the Indian team to take group photos and check in. They look forward to continuing to work hand in hand with Higold to start a grand and distant future together!



Subsequently, the person in charge of the Higold Group Home Hardware Museum warmly introduced the group’s brand spirit and development history to the Indian team. The full range of new products in the museum is as bright as stars, the original power is as boundless as the Milky Way, with more than 1000 patent technologies, twelve iF International Design Awards, eleven Red Dot International Design Awards and other honors, as well as a globally influential and representative home hardware product matrix, which has won the continuous praise of the Indian team!


印度团队代表SIDDHARTHA PALESHA表示:“今天,我们有幸参观了悍高集团星际总部。这不仅是一场视觉盛宴,也是一场精神洗礼。悍高集团的创新精神,卓越的产品设计和对质量的不懈追求,给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们真诚地尊重悍高集团在家居五金领域的领先地位,期待在未来的合作中,将悍高集团的先进技术和创新理念引入印度市场,共同促进产业发展,实现互利共赢。我们相信悍高集团与印度团队的合作将翻开新的篇章,为全球消费者带来更多高质量的产品和服务。”

SIDDHARTHA PALESHA: “Today, we are privileged to visit the Star Headquarters of Higold Group. This is not only a visual feast but also a spiritual baptism. The innovative spirit, excellent product design, and relentless pursuit of quality of Higold Group have left a deep impression on us. We sincerely respect Higold Group's leading position in the field of home hardware and look forward to introducing Higold Group's advanced technology and innovative concepts to the Indian market in future cooperation, to jointly promote industry development and achieve mutual benefit and win-win. We believe that the cooperation between Higold Group and the Indian team will open a new chapter, bringing more high-quality products and services to consumers worldwide.”




The Higold India Hardware Team gathered at the Star Headquarters Galaxy Conference Center, discussing future cooperation intentions. With the release of the “Higold Group India Market Strategy”, the scene was filled with applause, and the Higold India Hardware Team ignited infinite confidence and determination, striving to jointly compose a benchmark model of high-quality development in the Sino-Indian home industry.




A journey of tasting spanning thousands of miles, a trip of communication at the industry's peak, Higold gathers a global perspective, embracing the world with surging passion, broad-mindedness, and resolute steps! Higold rides the long winds and breaks through the waves for thousands of miles, gathering global attention to build the pinnacle of glory, making "Made in China" go further and further!